
COVID-19: Our Response

We are excited to announce your local Sault Ste. Marie Orthodontic office will reopen on Monday June 8th at 8am to our regular patients.  Like all dental offices across the province and the rest of Canada, our closure was part of the effort to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.  

Please be patient, as we will contact you over the next two weeks to reschedule your appointment.  If at any time, you have orthodontic issues please call or email to connect with us.  We will either help you manage your concerns via phone, email, or FaceTime, or see you at the office in the very near future.  

For those of you wanting to start orthodontic treatment we will be setting up appointments to do so soon.  Our biggest priority at the moment is to take braces off those who have been patiently waiting. 

For your appointments we do ask:  

  1. You have not traveled outside of the Algoma region in the x2 weeks leading up to your appointment;
  2. Reschedule if there is any illness in the house over the last x2 weeks; and
  3. Ensure you were NOT in contact with someone who was ill with cold or flu-like symptoms in the last x2 weeks.

Should you not be able to meet the above, please contact us and we will gladly reschedule.

Mandatory Requirements 

(as required by the provincial guidelines):

  1. Bring a mask/ scarf/ or face-covering to your appointment to wear while you wait; and
  2. Bring eyeglasses (sunglasses) to your appointment to wear at the time of your orthodontic adjustment

You will notice several changes to the office with a reduced waiting room and plexiglass barriers.  We have put in place all necessary precautions and some enhanced precautions.  

Unfortunately, the coffee and cookies are no more, but it’s still the same friendly faces that you’ve come to know over the years (just hiding behind masks).  

We may ask that you wait in your vehicle for your appointment, but please check in with the front desk first and we will let you know what to do.  Last, now that we are back, we will still continue with your monthly payments.  However, given the extraordinary circumstances should you have any financial challenges please contact us.  We are happy to work with you.

All the best and please remember to do your part through frequent hand washing and “physical-distancing,”

Dr. Michael O’Toole, Dr. Floreani, Dr. Dool & Your Straightsmile Team